This is a continuation of "Editors should be seen . . .," 3/9, below.
The context here is the requirement that each employee develop, in conjunction with her manager, business-related and personal development goals for the year. The manager has the option to add goals for the employee.
E-mail to my manager:
The following goal (your addition) contradicts our discussions regarding my author queries.
You added: “The number of proposals that should have identified more items for author review/approval than what was provided during the proposal process, also based on third party post reviews of submitted proposals.”
You have told me that there has been feedback (undocumented) from individuals (not named by you) that I write too many author queries. Again, and as I’ve tried to explain to you, I believe that my level of queries is appropriate.
It seems to me that defining a goal related to author queries can’t be done unless we agree on this critical editing function.
My manager has not yet responded.
4/7 Update: Still no response.