Journatic is a news content provider that provides editorial services to some of the most respected news organizations in the world. We are looking to immediately fill the position of 'Project Manager' for our news briefs. This is full-time, remote position. The pay is $26,000/yr., no benefits.
Consider applying if you:
-Can think creatively to find solutions [If so, there's no way you'd apply for this position.]
-Understand quality assurance [QA isn't achieved at entry-level compensation.]
-Can measure and report Journatic performance to management [As if management would care; the company's pay structure is a barometer of that.]
-Can recognize and speak up about issues as they arise [How about we start with how you're exploiters.]
-Can manage numerous data/content projects in varied locations simultaneously [Sure. Why not! Someone will end up performing management magic on slave wages.]
If qualified [you'd be an idiot to apply to these greedy bastards] and interested:
1) Send your resume to jobs (at) journatic (dot) com
2) Include the words "Briefs Project Manager" and the number 138829 in the email subject header
3) Explain in one paragraph the answer to the following question: "If you could have dinner with one famous American, past or present, who would it be and why?" [A better question would be, How can you bastards sleep at night?]