This past Sunday morning, if I had not arisen when I did, and if I then had not decided to go out for a photo shoot, and if I then had not decided to stop at Starbucks, and if I then had not decided to go to a nearby garden park for another photo session, I would not have arrived at the park when I did.
When I got out of the car, I saw a guy with a serious camera and tripod shooting close-ups. I've been thinking of getting a tripod.
So, if I then had not decided to speak with him about tripods, I would not have met Mike A.
If I had then ended the discussion with Mike after getting his opinions/suggestions on tripods and not asked him "what do you do?" [i.e., his job], he probably would not have asked me the same.
When I told him I'm an editor, he asked me what I edit. My answer included "government proposals." His eyes widened.
He told me the following: He's an IT software engineer for an area government IT contractor (just like one for whom I was the senior editor) whose business has exploded in the past five years in terms of revenue and employees. He said they can't keep up with the hundreds of inquiries they get from the government and fellow companies that want to partner on proposals. He said that people like him who do the writing are also doing some of the editing. He asked me to send him my resume and particulars and told me that he'd pass the information along to his manager.
When I left, he said to me, "Don't forget to send me your resume." I did so as soon as I got home.
He didn't even acknowledge receipt of it. I know it's just Tuesday, but still . . . after all, we're photo brothers after speaking for about 45 minutes.
If the above hadn't happened, I would not have to deal with probably having my hopes dashed again.