Sunday, December 14, 2008


To paraphrase William Wordsworth, editing is too much with me.

I've been freelance editing a book for what seems like 24x7 for several weeks, as I face a Tuesday deadline for submission of the files to the publisher. At the same time, proposal editing on my regular job is intense, with three proposals shipping out before Xmas.

It's no wonder, then, that editing has crept into my dream world. I woke up this morning recalling a short dream I had last night, the meaning of which is fairly obvious.

I had wrapped up all but one file (of about twenty). It was a short one, just a couple of pages. Most of it was unintelligible. It was in English, but it was quite literally nonsense. Its meaning—heads, subheads, text—was not decipherable. I couldn't figure out how to do the HTML coding, and any attempt to edit the text was futile.

Like I said at the top, too much editing.